The Simple Power of Connection: Lessons from Belize This experience reminded us that small acts of kindness can create a profound connection.
Members only Practical Challenges to the Idea of Healthcare Consumerism Healthcare diagnoses create emotions, and emotions often cloud our ability to act as healthcare consumers.
Four Life-Lessons Learned from Completing an Ultramarthon So, embrace the hard, do the work, take care of yourselves, and be kind to others. You too have the ability to flourish.
Members only 7 Attributes of a Well-Designed Benefits Program We stopped “insuring” health risks years ago. Therefore, employers must assess whether they have incorporated the seven attributes of a well-designed benefits program.
Featured Welcome to the Employee Benefits Advisor This is the place where I can share the lessons I have learned as they have been gifted me through all the wonderful people I have been blessed to meet through my career as an employee benefits advisor.
Members only Newsletter How to Keep FOMO and FOPO from FUBARing Your Results People often make the mistake of believing that the opposite of fragility is resiliency. The real opposite of fragility is antifragility.
Members only Newsletter Death by Dad-Bod This issue, however, goes deeper and wider than just our collective, increasing waistlines. It’s a conversation about what we tolerate. It’s a conversation about standards. It’s a conversation about being producers, great husbands, loving and engaged fathers, leaders and living useful lives.
Members only Newsletter Resolutions Suck. Do Dope Shit Instead. Eleanor Rosevelt once said “the purpose of life is to live it. To taste experience to the utmost. To reach eagerly and without fear for new and richer experiences.” A.J.’s “Do Dope Shit” says the exact same thing, just much more succinctly.
Members only Newsletter 4 Steps to Move from Floundering to Flourishing Each of us must learn to harvest our own energy. Each of us must learn to eat first.
Members only Newsletter Kings Eat First: A New Way to Win Today You’re no good to anyone if you pass out from lack of oxygen or daily exhaustion.
Members only Newsletter A Brief Guide to Move From Scarcity to Abundance Nearly all of us have an innate desire to be better, but moving from wanting to be to actually being can feel nearly impossible.
Members only Newsletter Are You The Fat Man at the Counter, The Chocolate Lab, or the Rugged Individualist? Three ways to approach becoming your best self.
Members only Newsletter 5 Areas of Transformation that Will Bring You Greater Fulfillment We have quickly reached the time of the year when most New Year Resolutions fail. It’s been a whole 2 1/2 weeks of 2024. Are you on track with the intentions you created for yourself? I believe we each have a better version of ourself yet undiscovered, and
Members only Newsletter 3 Simple Ways to Develop Better Energy (and Tranquility) It’s become more critical than ever that we take ownership of our own ability to fill our own cups. Doing so is one of if not the single most important responsibilities we have daily.
Members only Newsletter The On and Off Ramps of Life Looking back over all those seasons, and thinking about those who still travel with me, I realize I could never have predicted how it would all turn out.
Members only Newsletter How to Maximize Your Human Life Value A simple formula for creating your best self
Members only Newsletter The Empty Office - Coping With Life's Big Changes The Emotional Struggle of Becoming an Empty-Nester
Members only Newsletter The Should Conundrum Learning to stay in our own lane may be the real path to inner peace... and relationship peace.
Members only Newsletter For the Love of Boredom... The love of boredom, not passion or purpose, truly sets you apart.
Members only Newsletter Empty Storm Clouds I worry far too often about empty storm clouds. Empty storm clouds represent all the times I worry about the what ifs that too often are never realized.
Members only Newsletter You Can’t Read the Label From Inside the Bottle Just like Apple Maps, your internal GPS may take you a direction that makes no sense in the moment, but learn to trust it, it will eventually lead you where you were meant to go.
Members only Newsletter Speed Bumps Need Not Become BE Bumps Failure, by definition, is an act or an instance of failing or proving unsuccessful. Failure is the speed bump I am referring too. Far too often those failures move beyond an instant, and we let them define us. We let them BEcome us.
Members only Newsletter The Necessary Pursuit of Fun Fun is a choice. It’s tasting the experience to the utmost. It’s being present and letting some unnecessary shit roll of our backs