Empty Storm Clouds

I worry far too often about empty storm clouds. Empty storm clouds represent all the times I worry about the what ifs that too often are never realized.

Empty Storm Clouds

Last night, my wife and I were sitting on our back patio, enjoying a ”patio beer,” when seemingly out out of nowhere the temperature dropped a few degrees, the wind picked up, and moments later it we we scrambling to batten down the hatches and get our asses indoors.

This one felt like a doozy. Cushions were blown askew from our patio couch. We worried about our son’s car parked out front, fearing it would get drilled by baseball sized hail. We checked our weather apps, which only seemed to affirm our concerns. The rain began, as the winds whipped more ferociously. My wife bet me $100 that our power would go out, which seems to be a pretty safe bet on her behalf based where we live and how frequently we nonsensically loose power.

And then it was over. Just like that.

The winds calmed. The sun peeked out from the clouds, and everything returned to normal.

Just another occurrence of empty storm clouds.