The Should Conundrum

Learning to stay in our own lane may be the real path to inner peace... and relationship peace.

The Should Conundrum
Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash

Relationships can be challenging.

That sentence in and of itself could take us in a thousand different directions, but today I want to talk about what I call the Should Conundrum.

I don’t remember much about life before social media came along. And perhaps, social media just makes an easy scapegoat, but it seems I have an opinion on just about everything these days. Mostly, I try to keep those opinions to myself, at least I try to keep them out of the public eye. That's not the place where I need to be telling people what they should or should not be doing, despite that being common fodder in the social media space.

But my poor wife… she suffers all of my should thinking.